We all want our businesses to rank high in Google organic search results. But the only path to higher ranking is, search engine optimisation a.k.a SEO.
If you’ve tried to do some search engine optimisation in the past, you’ve probably realised it can be time consuming, labour intensive, complicated and you’ve probably given up already.
But what if i showed you how to rank high in Google by spending only 5 minutes of your day doing simple SEO and get some awesome results for 2020?
This is exactly what you will find out in this video
Notes, references and links
Download my review email template
Create an account with ubersuggest
Alt tag image checker
Find internal link opportunities
intext:”add your keyword here” site:http://yourwebsiteaddresshere.com/
Find questions to add to your Google listing
Add secondary categories to you Google My business Listing
Further training
Create more content on your site
Create A Google My Business Shortname
Google analytics ultimate beginners’guide
Full seo audit of your site
Special thank you
To https://excelelectrician.co.uk/ who let us its website data for the making of this video
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