Looking for web design inspiration? In this video, you’ll see 6 AWESOME UI/UX designers to follow on Instagram! This video is perfect for those who want to make UI/UX better. It includes 6 web designers to follow on Instagram. It would be great both for beginners and experienced web designers.
Follow these designers on Instagram:
Matt Wojtaś https://www.instagram.com/matt.wojtas/
Ani Harutyunyan https://www.instagram.com/harutyunyansani/
Giga Tamarashvili https://www.instagram.com/gtamarashvili/
Kirill Kim https://www.instagram.com/kirill.v.kim/
Taylor Perrin https://www.instagram.com/taylorperrin_/
Vladimir Biondic https://www.instagram.com/vladimirbiondic/
Web Design Inspiration 2020 – make something new
In this video, we aimed to inspire you to create something amazing. Creating a modern website with an eye-catching design is quite challenging. Moreover, you need to make sure that your UI UX design works properly. Your website shouldn’t only look great, but it has to be easy to use. It’s necessary to make sure that a visitor can find exactly what they need.
Amazing web designers to follow on Instagram
Please note that this video demonstrates design solutions that we find stunning. All the rights belong to their respective owners. We just want to show you what you can do with UI UX prototyping and how you can make your website look modern and unique. You can see how they deal with different challenges and how they various components together to create a perfect page.
This video is great when you look for web designers to follow on Instagram. You should check a designer portfolio to see what they created. It can be a perfect platform where you can find professionals designers and see what they can do. You can see how Insta designers play with different elements and how they follow trends. It’s useful to check designs to create your style.
Web Design Inspiration 2020 – amaze your visitors
Please keep in mind that UI and UX designers do something different:
UI designers deal with visual elements, like the page layout, the colors used, interactive elements, etc.
UX designers work with users’ experience. They focus on how visitors use a website. They can also decide to add new elements or features
You can also save some time – consider using a template. It can be a perfect starting point. It includes has all the elements that you can customize and move around to make the page look as you want.
#TemplateMonster #UIUXDesign #WebDesignInspiration
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Source. First Published on YouTube
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