growth hacking

What is a Growth Hacking ? The term originated in Silicon Valley and in its essence it’s the idea that an entrepreneur or organisation can take a non-traditional approach to increase the growth rate/adoption of their product by “hacking” something together specifically for growth purposes. It’s more about achieving an objective rather than following a prescribed process. Its a mentality as mush as it is a technique to drive growth.

Some people say Growth Hacking is traditional marketing repackaged into a new buzzword so that it seems that the idea is something new. We disagree. Respectfully. These are the people that believe Growth Hacking is ONLY marketing. It’s definitely not just marketing. It is much, much more. There is a significant technical prowess that is a critical component of Growth Hacking.

Being a growth hacker is also about being creative. Creative with the technology and the campaign concepts and assets. Use more colour, use video, banners, landing pages. Be creative with the data and insights to drive more creativity.

The Ultimate Guide to Growth Hacking

Discover the best growth hacking strategies and techniques in our comprehensive guide.

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